South Africa's Prisons and the Links

Today we talk about Prisons. Today, we spoke to a convict. Our source will remain unnamed for (his/her/gender-of-choice) security.

Our prisons have a disturbingly high number of convicts who were convicted under terribly investigated circumstances. They are currently in a prison in the Eastern Cape. I have contacts in the Western Cape that tell me that this is not a localized phenomenon. It is happening nationwide.

Picture the scene. There is a self-employed, hard-working man. Living his life driving payloads from Lesotho through to South Africa. He has to carry cash and trade in cash, because these are foreign borders. Banks are no fun when you need to exchange goods for instant currency value and vice versa. He trades in anything from Car engines to entire SUV chassis. So he wouldn't kill someone for 20000 South African Rands. He can trade that money in a day for anything his working life allows him access to.

They are now is now in prison for murder. A mysterious murder that has them nowhere near the murder scene. And the funds they apparently killed over were minuscule in comparison to what they would have earned if they had killed the man earlier in their legal business arrangement. There was no evidence in their car. The South African Police Service failed in multiple aspects throughout the investigation.
  • They did not allow the person to be present when they searched their car. 
  • The person's car was seized  for about 7 days before evidence was revealed to him. 
  • Many parts of the story point to evidence being explicitly planted in the person's vehicle.
  • The person's case file has many missing parts. Records are missing and some never were there to begin with.  
  • His appeal was denied and he is still in prison to this day.

So as the investigator we are. we decide to approach his lawyers at Legal Aid South Africa, and they are as fun as a bank at closing time on a Saturday. No way forward whatsoever. No concern for the basic human aspects. The fact that there is a person (and many more) sitting in prison when their case file is all but empty, when Due Process on the part of SAPS totally caved, still they stay in prison while the SAPS solve their problems. At the convict's expense.

We need to be aware that the movies and series we watch, where evidence is consistently planted by crooked cops, is a basic reality. This thing of idealizing the police is a joke, and no one is laughing but the ft cats who run the mines, prisons and telecomms of South Africa.  If you follow the trail of media, you will see that the Judiciary is not immune to corruption and ineptitude. "...moderately efficient," says GAN Business-Anti-Corruption.

Judicial System

Corruption in the judiciary is a low risk for businesses in South Africa. Firms should note that lower-level courts are more susceptible to corruption than higher levels (FitW 2015). The judiciary is granted independence under the constitution (BTI 2014) but has increasingly faced pressure from the African National Congress (AllAfrica, Aug. 2015). Political influence polarises the judiciary and sometimes influences hiring and firing (FitW 2015). Nonetheless, businesses have confidence in the South African legal system and consider the legal framework for settling disputes and for challenging regulations to be moderately efficient (GCR 2014-2015). Enforcing contracts is less bureaucratic, time-intensive and costly than the regional average (DB 2015). Complications for businesses can arise from time-consuming dispute resolutions (ICS 2015); the judiciary suffers from understaffing and underfunding (HRR 2014).

Crime and petty corruption in the police are significant risks when operating in South Africa. Businesses report the police is unreliable (GCR 2014-2015). Costs arising from crime and violence can be challenging for companies (GCR 2014-2015). The police sometimes request bribes to protect businesses owned by foreigners against xenophobic violence (HRR 2014).

You can keep going and going here and you will find that South Africa is under threat from all the things you've ever heard about in the spy thrillers. We are investigating the South African Correctional Facilities vigorously, and the apathy we are getting from the Legal Aid offices is also a big warning sign. There is badness afoot. And we are smack dab in the middle of it.
Stay aware, Dear Reader, because our prisons are what prisons have always been, slave colonies. They are institutions of profit from incarceration of people. The means by which they incarcerate is the police services of the State. The violence you see at Fees Must Fall is fueling the Department of Correctional Services as well as the SAPS. There are global economies involved in this. The Police want to arrest people. They want to fill the prisons. They want to fire their guns. Because they are told to and because they are rewarded for it. From the bottom of the SAPS all the way up to the President of the Republic, there is a causal linkage. Here is where South Africa gets its guns.Just a few companies.

The China North Industries Corporation, officially abbreviated as Norinco, is a Chinese company that manufactures vehicles (trucks, cars and motorcycles), machinery, optical-electronic products, oil field equipment, chemicals, light industrial products, explosives and blast materials, civil and military firearms and ammunition. Norinco is also involved in domestic civil construction projects.

Mauser is a German arms manufacturer of a line of bolt-action rifles and semi-automatic pistols since the 1870s. Mauser designs were built for the German armed forces. Since the late 19th and early 20th centuries, military Mauser designs were also exported and licensed to a number of countries, as well as being a popular civilian firearm.

Unter dem Namen "Arminius" werden in langer Tradition Qualitätsrevolver "Made in Germany" produziert. Seit Jahrzehnten sind sie den deutschen Schützen und Jägern bestens bekannt und genießen weltweit einen ausgezeichneten Ruf.
Hervorragende Schussleistung und lange Lebensdauer zeichnen sie aus. Eine stabile Schlosskonstruktion verleiht ein Höchstmaß an Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit.
Arminius-Revolver werden in vielen Ausführungen gefertigt. Alle Waffen werden tiefschwarz brüniert angeboten. Auf Wunsch sind eine verchromte und eine "Stainless-Look"-Ausführung erhältlich, sowie verschiedene Holz- und Combatgriffschalen.
The "ARMINIUS" high quality revolvers "made in Germany" have a long tradition.
For decades German shooters and hunters have been familiar with these products, and these items are equally well-known all around the world. Excellent accuracy and durability are their outstanding features. A stable construction of the mechanism gives the revolver very high reliability and safety.
The "ARMINIUS" revolvers are produced in many varieties. We offer all of them in a dark blue finish. As an option, a "stainless-look" finish or a chromed finish are also available as well as wooden or combat grips.

There are dots that must be joined. But they do join. There are many people who see this design and want it dissolved. We really need to free our people so we can build this land. Not incarcerate them for corporate profit. So, just to summarize the perspective for you:

  1. Judges and the legal representation system are corrupt. This we know. But these corrupt judges are popping up in my investigations. We are investigating deeper before writing a full expose.
  2. The police are arresting and convicting people with little to no evidence. We have a source and the person is giving us more as we move along. 
  3. There is pressure from many sides to put and keep people in prisons and to use legally sanctioned force to do so. 
  4. South Africa doesn't get it's weapons from here. These are international forces profiting from crime and punishment both. 

Your agent alwaysLive from The Bureau of Sabotage


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